Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Biotechnology Industry By Richard Graydon, M.D.

The primary goal of the biotechnology industry is to invent new biologically-active substances, for the treatment of disease, the pharmaceutical industry, and the management of agriculture.

The U.S. is the world leader in biotechnology, currently providing employment for more than 300,000 people in over 6,000 U.S. biotech companies, with an estimated market capitalization of approximately USD 281 billion in 2008. The biotechnology industry has more than tripled in size since 2000, with revenues increasing from USD 25 billion in 2000 to more than USD 80 billion in 2008. In 2007, Amgen, Inc., the world's largest biotechnology company, achieved total sales of USD 14.7 billion. Expectations are that the biotechnology market will increase to more than USD 130 billion by 2011.

Geographically, the U.S. accounts for 65% of the biotechnology market, Europe 23%, Canada 7%, Australia 3%, and the rest of the world, 2%.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Motivated research

Motivated research

Antoine Danchin
Three years ago, a senior politician attended his country's Annual Congress for the Advancement of Science to give the introductory lecture. He asked the attending scientists to make science and research more attractive to young students and the general public, and asked his countrymen to support scientists to address the urgent challenges of global climate change, energy needs and dwindling water resources.

if you student or college in university  you must have

Motivated research for case ctuy, discustion and sharing

Press release Polaris Software Lab Limited (POLARIS.NS)(532254.BO)

ts release from if you share release gaian or new release you can email in here
Source: Polaris Software Lab Limited (POLARIS.NS)(532254.BO)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:49 AM IST (06:19 AM GMT)
Editors: General: Economy; Business: Business services, Defence & security, Financial Analyst, Information technology, Stock exchanges; Technology

Polaris Enters Cloud Computing Space through Strategic Investment in IdenTrustTM
Investment in US-based Global Leader in Trusted Identity Solutions uniquely positions Polaris to drive the most robust digital security infrastructure in the US & European markets

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and New York, United States, Wednesday, April 27, 2011 -- (Business Wire India)

Polaris Software Lab Limited (POLS.BO), a leading global Financial Technology Company today announced a strategic investment in IdenTrustTM, a global leader in trusted identity solutions recognized by global financial institutions and one of the premier providers of digital identity authentication services to several key banks, United States federal identity programs as well as supply chain markets. This strategic investment will mark Polaris’ entry into the cloud computing space for Financial Technology solutions.

IdenTrust™ Inc. was founded in 1999 by a group of financial institutions that included Citigroup, Bank of America, Chase, Barclays, HSBC, and Deutsche. As the only bank-developed identity authentication system, IdenTrustTM provides a unique legally and technologically interoperable environment for authenticating and using identities worldwide. IdenTrustTM provides applications that use electronic identities that establish contracts, grant authority, support secure encrypted data and information storage and secure online interactions/transactions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beberapa tips memilih emas

Beberapa tips pemilihan emas:
  1. Update Kurs Emas Update kurs emas bisa anda dapatkan setiap hari, pada pukul 09.30 atau anda bisa menghubungi langsung ke PT Antam, Tbk.
  2. Perhatikan Dua Faktor Penentu yaitu faktor harga emas dunia dan faktor kurs rupiah terhadap dolar. Oleh karena itu disarankan untuk selalu meng-update setiap saat, informasi dua faktor tersebut.
  3. Perhatikan Keaslian Emas Keaslian emas dapat mengacu pada sertifikat yang diperoleh pada saat transaksi emas batangan (lempengan). Dimana sertifikat itu harus dikeluarkan oleh PT Antam, Tbk. (khusus Indonesia) yang berstandar internasional dan telah diakui oleh London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Sertifikat asli memiliki nomor seri yang juga terdapat pada lempengan emas, dan ukuran 5 x 6 cm. Sedangkan untuk memastikan keaslian emas lempengan, anda dapat melihat logo LM berbentuk segi lima yang tertera, serta terdapat tulisan Fine Gold .9999, dan apabila nilai emas lebih dari 5 gram disertai nomor seri pada lempengan (yang biasanya diawali dengan dua karakter huruf dan tiga digit angka).
  4. Pastikan Kadar Kemurnian Emas, sesuai dengan Standar Internasional Emas 24 Karat (emas murni) berkomposisi 99.99% emas, Emas 22 Karat berkomposisi 91.7% emas dan 8.3% campuran bahan lain (perak), Emas 20 Karat berkomposisi 83.3% emas, Emas 18 Karat berkomposisi 75.0% emas, Emas 16 Karat berkomposisi 66.6% emas, Emas 14 Karat berkomposisi 58.5% emas, dan Emas 9 Karat berkomposisi 37.5% emas.
  5. Biaya Produksi Biaya produksi yang dikenakan berkisar antara Rp 33.500,- sampai dengan Rp 102.000,-/keping emas.
  6. Simpan Bukti Pembelian dan Bukti Keaslian Emas Hal ini adalah sebagai bukti keaslian bilamana anda menjual emas kembali ke tempat Anda membelinya, karena tentu akan lebih mudah dan tidak ada banya pertanyaan seputar emasnya.

    Posted in: Emas Batangan, Investasi Emas, logam mulia.
    Tagged: Cek Keaslian Emas · emas 14 karat · emas 18 karat · Emas 22karat · emas 9 karat · Investasi Emas · investasi logam mulia · Kadar Kemurnian Emas · keping emas · Kurs Emas · logam mulia · London Bullion Market Association · PT Antam · tips investasi

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Switching Careers - 7 Key Steps By Alotta Candor Article Source: EzineArticles.e

Are you thinking about switching careers? If you are, you're not alone. Most Americans switch careers three times in their lifetime. Nevertheless, switching careers is scary. And it's especially paralyzing the older you get. But making a career switch is very possible and much more common than you might think. Before you're ready to leap, realize that it's a heavyweight decision that deserves some time and solid thought. Here are seven steps to help you on your way.

1. Gain insight from your current situation.

When considering a career switch, the first thing you should do is learn from your current situation. To do this, take a step back and study what you do for a living today and why you do it. Examine the reasons that you are in your current job or career. Was it what you went to school for? Was it what your parents wanted you to do? Was it the "hot career" at one time? Did you just "fall into it"? Did you love it at one time? Did you do it for the money you could make? Was it just to pay the bills? The answers to these questions can provide valuable insight into the core reasons that you want or need to change.

Now examine why you want to leave your current career field. Remove any company or management related politics that are specific to your current employer from the picture. See your situation for what it is and ask yourself why you are looking to switch. Are you being forced out because of market shifts of business trends? Are you burnt out? Do you want to make more money? Are you miserable doing what you do? Have you tried your best but found that your career is "just not a good fit"? Have you decided its time to pursue a long lost career love?

Inspecting your current situation and reasons for your desire to change careers will provide a foundation for your next step.

2. Look inside

Whether you already have a career in mind or you are searching for a new career, you must look inward. In order to gain the most from your reflection, it is essential to start with a clean slate. Set aside any notions (real or imagined) about what type of money certain careers offer. Discard any stereotypes or judgments of occupations. Distance yourself from any pre-conceived ideas about what you are right or destined for.

Now seriously examine what you truly love. First start with the obvious. Look at your hobbies and interests. List out the things you are passionate about or in which you have talent. Give yourself credit for things you are good at and don't be afraid to write things down that you love, but are not yet good at. Write them all down, even if you think they may not be a possible career path. You're just brainstorming at this point and you should not eliminate anything right out of the gate. And it's important to bear in mind that what you may think are your interests are not necessarily all of your interests. To help you get a good look at your interests, observe the simple things. What kinds of news stories perk your interest? What kinds of TV shows do you enjoy? What kinds of books magazines do you find yourself drawn to? What kind of people do you like to associate with or find interesting? What parts of your current career have brought you the most satisfaction?

Biology Terms: Countershading By Gwen Nicodemus Diamond Quality Author Article Source:

Many marine creatures are countershaded, which is a type of camouflage for them. What exactly is countershading?

Imagine that you are in a boat on the ocean and looking down. The ocean water looks dark blue. If you were an animal in the ocean, what color should you be to hide from animals in the sky, or higher up in the ocean, than you are?

Now, imagine you are SCUBA diving on the bottom of the ocean floor and look up, toward the sky. During the daytime, the sunlight filters into the water. What color should an animal be so it can blend into the water and hide from the animals below it in the water?

Animals selected for countershading

Animals that are darkly colored on their top part and lightly colored on their underside are said to be countershaded.

Animals that are darkly colored on their top part, where their dorsal fins are located, are less likely to be found and eaten by sky creatures or ocean animals higher up in the ocean than they are. Their dark colored skin blends into the color of the ocean around them and they have higher survival rates than animals that are lightly colored on the top.

Fun Science Experiment For Kids - How To Make Giant Bubbles! By Kalpana Nair

Fun Science Experiment For Kids - How To Make Giant Bubbles!
By Kalpana Nair

Fun Science experiments are not only liked by children but adults as well. Personally, I have tried many Science experiments when I was a kid and later on with my own family members. Making giant bubbles is an absolute favorite of mine and you can do this experiment too in a matter of minutes.

Things You Will Need

In order to make giant bubbles, you need to get your hands on the following items -

1. Washing liquid.
2. Glycerine or corn syrup.
3. Jug
4. Water.
5. A large bucket.
6. A spoon.
7. A wire coat hanger.
8. A ball of string.
9. An electrical tape.

How To Make Your Own Giant Bubbles

The Biotechnology Industry By Richard Graydon, M.D.

The primary goal of the biotechnology industry is to invent new biologically-active substances, for the treatment of disease, the pharmaceutical industry, and the management of agriculture.

The U.S. is the world leader in biotechnology, currently providing employment for more than 300,000 people in over 6,000 U.S. biotech companies, with an estimated market capitalization of approximately USD 281 billion in 2008. The biotechnology industry has more than tripled in size since 2000, with revenues increasing from USD 25 billion in 2000 to more than USD 80 billion in 2008. In 2007, Amgen, Inc., the world's largest biotechnology company, achieved total sales of USD 14.7 billion. Expectations are that the biotechnology market will increase to more than USD 130 billion by 2011.

Geographically, the U.S. accounts for 65% of the biotechnology market, Europe 23%, Canada 7%, Australia 3%, and the rest of the world, 2%.

The 10th Annual Multi-Unit Franchising Conference.

The 10th Annual Multi-Unit Franchising Conference.

For ten years, the Multi-Unit Franchising Conference has been the premier conference for multi-unit franchisees. This annual event continues to be the nexus point of learning, networking, and deal-making for multi-unit franchising.

We all know how to improve our performance by learning from the past. But today's complex business decisions require the ability to see what's on the horizon and anticipate what's next. At this year's conference we'll explore the changes and trends affecting the future of multi-unit franchising and the strategies you need to set in motion today to maintain your competitive advantage.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Special Seminar: Agricultural Biotechnology in Indonesia

Thu, January 13, 2011. 12:00-13.30
Prof. Hadi Susilo Arifin attended a Special Seminar of Agricultural Biotechnology in Indonesia
By Dr. M. Herman, Senior Scientist, ICABIOGRAD Biotechnology Center, Bogor, Indonesia.
Day/Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Time: 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.
Venue: 271 Plant and Soil Sciences Building, Michigan State University
Seminar is organized by: WorldTAP/College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and ISP/Asian Studies Center
Pizza Lunch will be served.
Prof. Hadi Susilo Arifin and Dr. Muhammad Herman are colleagues in the team member of POKJA Ahli – Dewan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional RI (Taskforce Expertist - National Board of Food Security, the Republic of Indonesia) – 2010/2013.  In the end of the seminar, they have talked together regarding collaboration program in education and capacity building among MSU – IPB – UNPAD. Through an informal discussion, Prof. Karim (Biotechnology – MSU), Prof. Siddharth Chandra (Director of Asian Studies Center), and Prof. Hadi Susilo Arifin (IPB) have expected that for the future collaboration in education and capacity building between MSU and IPB should be expanded not only in biotechnology, but included climate change, environmental management and other actual issues. Some modules and curricula could be established together and delivering them for short courses, workshops, or summer school. These programs should be involved more universities in Indonesia.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Choose Speaker

This article can be used for reference in selecting speakers. Choosing speakers is tricky. Easy in the sense that the speaker now has a quality that is reliable. difficult, too many outstanding speakers, So making our  confused to choice. Therefore here I will share some experience about choosing the speakers.
Here are some points to  selecting the speakers:

How to Choose Speaker

  1. Set option for what the speaker to used, whether used indoors or outdoors, because of different types. For speakers who used outside the room, select the type of full range of means all tone is created by the speakers. By using this type of full range, a tone that is created will not be lost, either low or high-pitched tone. But the shortcomings, the speakers full-range tone that created less tender. Meanwhile, if you want to buy speakers for use in the room chose the type woofer (not a sub woofer, because different species), with the woofer low tone will be heard by more soft and smooth. If speakers are used outside the room then the low tone will be lost.
  2. The larger diameter of the speaker, the lower the tone that can be produced, but certainly require a large power amplifiers. 80-10 inches is suitable for home, but the size of 14 inches is not big enough to use a small stage. At least 18 inches, if you want to use in the room, then 10 inches is more than enough.
  3. The speakers that have a large magnet usually have good quality, but the price usually also follow, that meaning is more expensive.
  4. Look for speakers with great power. Do not be fooled by the big power contained labeled (sticker). Look more closely. There are speakers that include the ability to direct the magnetic power, but many were written on a paper sticker. Find a written directly in the magnet, because it is the original power of the speaker. You better choose the power of 150 watts is written directly in the magnet from the power of 300 watts but written on a paper sticker.
  5. The speakers will not produce good sound if it stands alone, so even if you buy any expensive speakers, if you will not be accompanied by Midle range and tweeter will be useless.
  6. large spool having a better quality and will produce a louder sound.
  7. Note the flexibility of the leaves of the speakers, the more flexible will usually produce a low tone more soft and smooth.
  8. Notice the brand, Look for brands that are trusted for speaker manufacturers.
So what can I share with you all, may be useful for visitors, thank you.

How to Choose Speaker

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